Friday, August 18, 2017

To My Ex Husband on Hitler, Slavery/White Supremacy, and Misogyny

To My Ex Husband on Hitler, Slavery/White Supremacy, and Misogyny:

Remember that time when we went to your [Indian] coworker’s house for dinner and he started talking about the virtues of Hitler and what a great leader he was and he kept on and on about the guy and I looked around the room wondering who was going to speak up first and realized the other 7 people were not born and raised here so I started glancing at the corners of the ceilings the lines the walls made where they met each other and the ceiling and realized no one was going to say anything at all because what they didn’t get it or because they didn’t care or because they were tolerant of intolerance so I said “I’m born and raised here and it is deeply disturbing to hear what you’re saying” and he told me I was welcome to leave and I said that there’s this thing I understand about Indian culture that guests are supposed to be treated well and I merely wanted a subject change thank-you-very-much and the subject changed and when we left you told me that everyone has a right to their opinion that he was a poor farm guy who made it all the way to California and I didn’t say anything to you about that but I didn’t give a crap what his background is or was because I had a right to my point of view also then you began to chastise me on the ride home in the car and then to ignore me for two weeks when I KNOW I HAD to say something AND

Remember that time when you took me to Stone Mountain and couldn’t quite fathom why I felt like I was shrinking inside my skin when it slowly dawned on me that the place was a monument to slavery and we were THE ONLY BROWN PEOPLE THERE and no one would talk to us much less look at us and I wanted to get out as soon as possible and tried to explain to you that this was not a good place for us to be and I don’t care about the craftsmanship nor that the guy who did it did it because he was fired from the making of Mt. Rushmore I just wanted to get out and you expressed your deep resentment toward me because you didn’t understand that the little museum shop was glorifying the days of slavery and “whitewashing” the experience of slaves and you were a complete dick to me?

Yeah. I do.

F You